Harvest of Scottsdale’s Patient Appreciation Day 2017 a Success

In celebration of six months of operation, Harvest of Scottsdale was thankful to all the friends, patients, artists and local vendors who helped make their Patient Appreciate Day such a huge success. Harvest felt deeply honored to be able to bring their diverse patient community together to take part in a celebratory afternoon of healing, music, education and fun!

Harvest was also grateful for the opportunity to bring their mission to a wider segment of Arizona’s medical cannabis patients. Every opportunity that Harvest has to interact with their patients gives them a greater and greater opportunity to provide a higher level of care to their patients in Scottsdale Arizona and across the nation. As medical cannabis makes progress in communities across the country, they hope to follow in its wake offering their constantly improved and expanded services.

Harvest desires to be a valuable resource for patients, friends, loved ones and supporters to learn about new medical cannabis products and how they are being used to promote overall health and even aid in a wide variety of healing. Harvest feels that their patients are the ones that have made their mission possible, through their perseverance and outspoken efforts to shine a light on their cause and bring about much needed change in both overall attitudes and even legislation regarding the use of medical cannabis. Harvest’s patients are what have made their dreams and aspirations a reality.

Harvest looks forward to every future opportunity they will have to serve the Scottsdale medical cannabis a community and feel privileged to be a part of this vibrant and vital medical and legal Scottsdale cannabis community.


Contact the Harvest of Scottsdale Marijuana Dispensary Today.


