The Phoenix police are on the lookout for three armed suspects who robbed a Phoenix medical marijuana dispensary. The incidence occurred at Bloom Dispensary at 10:00 pm on March 26, according to the police. The business is located near 44th Street and Washington in Phoenix.
One suspect went into the building through to the backside to leave that door open: unfortunately for the other two suspects who were noticed hiding behind the business, the dispensary workers had locked the door. One hour later, however, one of the men from behind the building was able to enter: he held a gun to the employees and the Arizona police state that he forced them to the back room and made them give up the company’s money. After receiving the money, he fled in an unknown direction.
All three suspects are said to be black men, about 25-35 years of age, 6 feet tall, and weigh between 180-200 pounds. The Phoenix police want anyone with information in connection with this case to call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS.
In celebration of six months of operation, Harvest of Scottsdale was thankful to all the friends, patients, artists and local vendors who helped make their Patient Appreciate Day such a huge success. Harvest felt deeply honored to be able to bring their diverse patient community together to take part in a celebratory afternoon of healing, music, education and fun!
Harvest was also grateful for the opportunity to bring their mission to a wider segment of Arizona’s medical cannabis patients. Every opportunity that Harvest has to interact with their patients gives them a greater and greater opportunity to provide a higher level of care to their patients in Scottsdale Arizona and across the nation. As medical cannabis makes progress in communities across the country, they hope to follow in its wake offering their constantly improved and expanded services.
Harvest desires to be a valuable resource for patients, friends, loved ones and supporters to learn about new medical cannabis products and how they are being used to promote overall health and even aid in a wide variety of healing. Harvest feels that their patients are the ones that have made their mission possible, through their perseverance and outspoken efforts to shine a light on their cause and bring about much needed change in both overall attitudes and even legislation regarding the use of medical cannabis. Harvest’s patients are what have made their dreams and aspirations a reality.
Harvest looks forward to every future opportunity they will have to serve the Scottsdale medical cannabis a community and feel privileged to be a part of this vibrant and vital medical and legal Scottsdale cannabis community.
Contact the Harvest of Scottsdale Marijuana Dispensary Today.
A bill was passed by the Arizona Senate on February 22 that allows the seizure of property from those who plan protests that become violent. If the bill, called SB 1142, moves forward into law, people could face charges of riot conspiracy and forfeit their assets even if they do not commit any acts of violence or criminal damage.
Police Riot Gear Phoenix
John Kavanagh, an Arizona Republican senator from Fountain Hills, said the bill was drafted as a defense after protests in Berkeley, California, and Washington, D.C., turned violent. He added that “full-time provocateurs” now exist that constantly organize public chaos and disorder.
The Berkeley incident occurred on February 5 before a planned appearance by Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos. A group, dressed like ninjas and armed with rods, bats, pepper spray and Molotov cocktails, arrived in the plaza and began attacking people. In light of the violence, the Yiannopoulos appearance was canceled.
Protests in Washington, D.C., became violent during President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Although police kettled the various groups along the parade route, they managed to break windows, steal merchandise and set a car on fire. By the end of the day, over 200 people had been arrested. In contrast, the Women’s March on Washington the next day did not have violence or arrests.
Arizona Democrats were dismayed by the bill, which blocked the only path to speaking out against Donald Trump because now the State of Arizona wants to sell your house for fast cash . SB 1142 also provoked reactions from citizens in Arizona and other parts of the country. Law professor Jessica West, who teaches in Washington state, said the bill is an attack on the right for people to protest.
The bill would make rioting a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) offense and allow authorities to enforce forfeitures when someone is convicted under those laws. SB 1142 is written in such a way that an obvious act of violence would not be required for prosecution, which means those who only plan a protest but do not participate in violence can be held legally accountable for those who do.
If a building is destroyed during the course of a protest, a prosecutor could demand restitution through leins or forfeiture of property owned by the organizers. Aside from the property damage, recovery costs could be sought as well, which could easily bring financial ruin that would be very difficult to recover from.
Maricopa County attorney Rick Romley said the bill was “absurd.” As an example, he described a town hall meeting where an individual became angry and decided to punch the wall. Aside from the unsightly hole, there was sheetrock damage that required repair. Romley said it was “insane” that the organizers of the meeting would be held liable for bringing the group together and could face severe legal penalties for a wall punch.
He added that it was unlikely SB 1142 would be found constitutional. Every citizen of the United States has the right to assemble and protest under the First Amendment, and such a law would would be put under immediate challenge in the court system. He concluded by saying that state leaders need to take a stand and tell the senate that the law is wrong.
Kavanagh, who served as an Arizona police officer for many years, said bills like SB 1142 are a necessary protection against those who push for violence at protests and put the lives of officers at risk while destroying property. Twelve officers were shot at and five were killed at a protest turned violent in Dallas, Texas, in June 2016.
After being passed in the senate, the bill was sent to the house for consideration and voting. It was reported on March 6 that due to pressure exerted by the media and others concerned about First Amendment rights, the Arizona House decided not go forward with SB 1142. The bill is now dead.