How Can I Prevent Graffiti?
You can’t always prevent graffiti, or “tagging,” from happening. You can, however, reduce its incidence, whether you’re a homeowner or business owner. Surrounding all sides of your property with good lighting and plant life that’s uninviting to climb through help prevent graffiti on exterior walls and buildings.
Neighborhood associations, homeowners’ associations, and neighbors in general can watch out for each other’s property and report any graffiti that does occur.
What Can Be Done to Enforce Graffiti Laws?
It is illegal to put graffiti on private or public property. If you catch someone in the act of spraying graffiti, call the police department. If you see graffiti already in place, call and report this too. In Tucson and Phoenx, Arizona, the number for reporting graffiti already in place is 792-CITY (2489).
When people see that graffiti is already in place, they tend to think the law isn’t being enforced, which only leads to more graffiti.
Removing Graffiti
When you do see graffiti already in place, report it using the following information:
• Address of property
• Cross street, if applicable
• Where on the property the graffiti is located, e.g. “There is white paint on the north wall.”
The city can only remove graffiti that is A) within city limits, and B) reported along with the correct location.
In the event that graffiti is located in an alley, the city can remove the graffiti if it is located on a corner house and if it is 50 feet or less into the alleyway. Any other graffiti in alleys becomes the homeowner’s responsibility.
The city of Tucson does not remove graffiti tagged on the following:
• Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) property, e.g. freeway sound walls
• Billboards
• Construction dumpsters or containers
• Construction equipment
• Construction sites
• Interiors of structures
• Locations with no access, e.g. a wall behind a locked gate with “No Trespassing” posted
• Murals
• Parks
• Private property that is not clearly visible from within public right-of-way, e.g. inside a fenced-in, private back yard
• Private vehicles
• Schools
• Surfaces higher than two levels above ground
What Number Should I Call For Assistance?
• To report graffiti on a Sun Tran bus or bus stop, call Sun Tran customer service at 792-9222.
• To report graffiti outside of Tuscan City Limits, call Pima County at 792-8224.
• To report graffiti in Phoenix contact Graffiti Busters
• To report graffiti on ADOT property, call 388-4200.
Contractor Services
Tucson has contracted for services with Graffiti Protective Coatings (GPC) to remove the graffiti within its city limits. Should you need to contact GPC directly, the company can be reached at 884-9700.
Note to Homeowner: As a private property owner or resident, you may try to remove graffiti from your property yourself. If you’ve painted over the graffiti on your property and the paint is now “blotched,” the city of Tucson will not be able to remove the graffiti. For assistance, call 792-CITY (792-2489).“